What are Club Events?
Club events are short term competitive events run over one weekend with ranked prizes for the clubs which craft the most event items during the event period. These 3 day long competitive events are a great way to bond with your clubmates as you work together to complete exclusive event sets.
There is a separate event SHOP during club events which can be found on the Event tab while club events are running. This shop has a number of purposes/uses:
  • Crafting
    • The entire event set is crafted, not spun. You first craft the window decoration, then the first cat, and so on
  • Using gems to purchase boosts
    • There are four types of boosts, each of which helps a different area of the event for a set period of time
  • Event packs
    • Purchasable with actual money, prices vary depending on contents
    • Further information can be found in Event Packs
When are Club Events?
Club events are three days long and run from the last Thursday of the month at 8pm EST to the last Sunday of the month at 8pm EST.
There will be exact dates as well as aditional information for each event on the Noticeboard.
Do club events use coins?
No. The main Club Event currency is Tokens, which do not carry over from one club event to the next. Your token amount reverts back to zero at the end of each event in an effort to have everyone start on a level playing field.
You can obtain Tokens in a variety of ways:
  • From the Club Basket
  • From playing the event minigame
  • From Event Packs
    • Further information can be found in Event Packs
A separate event currency also means that players can still play as they would normally, that way if you do not wish to participate in an event you can chose not to.
What are the boosts you can buy with gems?
There are a few different sizes of boosts, which can affect either the duration of time the boost lasts or the percentage that that category is raised during the boost.
The larger the boost the more gems it will cost, however they can and do go on sale so keep an eye on your event tab for some great deals.
Boosts do carry over from one club event to the next,
  • Crafting
    • Makes crafting a percentage cheaper for a period of time
  • Hearts
    • Raises the amount of tokens you get from the Club Basket by a percentage for a period of time
  • Supplies
    • Raises the amount of event supplies you can get from supply crates by a percentage for a period of time
  • Mini Game
    • Multiplies the amount of tokens received from the mini game for a period of time
Do boosts activate as soon as I purchase them?
No. Purchased boosts remain inactive until you activate them.
What are Club Prizes?
Club prizes are rewards which are unlocked when your club crafts a certain amount of event content.
You do have to be in the club before the event starts in order to be able to claim them, and you cannot claim them if you have left the club mid-event. Some club prizes include:
  • Event Decoration - Poster
  • Special Keys
  • Gems
What do I get for being on top of the event leaderboard?
For the clubs which craft the most event content, there are additional ranked prizes which are given out at the end of the event period. Possible ranked rewards are:
  • Special Keys
  • Exclusive event cat
    • Can only be purchased using premium keys.
  • Premium Key Shards
  • Community Room
    • This gives the club the power to choose the next floor to go into the Regular Tower from a list of options that they are given.
    • We are only able to run this prize when the animation team has the room in their schedule to be able to complete the floor with an acceptable turnaround time.
Can I do this without a club?
It is possible, however club events have been optimized to be done with a club.
Not only do players get differing amounts of each base event material, but players also require different amounts of event crafts to make event content.
Being able to request base event materials from your club members not only allows you to work together but helps everyone complete their event sets.
Even if you are choosing to do this by yourself it would be smart to be in a club -even if it is a club of just you- so that you are able to unlock and claim any prizes you may achieve.
I didn't finish in time! Can I still get the cats??
Absolutely! The event set will be in the Premium Basket after the event and can be obtained using Special Keys.
However, the Event Pack cat as well as any ranked reward cats will only be obtainable by purchasing them using Premium Keys.
Tips & Tricks:
  1. COORDINATION! It cannot be stated how important it is to coordinate with your club members.
    • Clubs have fully completed the event -as in crafted all of the cats, the decorations, and unlocked all club prizes- in an hour solely by being well coordinated.
  2. Boosts stack.
    • Meaning if you coordinate with your club members to use your boosts at the same time you can achieve incredible results.
  3. Club Notices actually do help. If you are wanting to make sure everyone in your club is on the same page it can be useful to have your club leader pop the information in to the club notice.
    • That way even if people miss the conversation where the plans were laid out they don't miss any of the information.
  4. Boosts do carry over from one club event to the next.
    • Meaning you can save boosts until they would be most effective, or you can stockpile them for future events if you so choose, especially if you get good sales in your event shop.
**Any club to be found with unethical gains in the event will be disqualified. IF you feel there is something suspicious going on, contact support immediately.
Any accounts that are found to have used exploits in the event will be banned.