I lost my account, how can I restore it?

In order for us to restore your progress, please message Support with the following information:

1. *New/current full username:
2. **Old full username (to be restored):
3. What level were you on?
4. Did you purchase any floors?
5. ***Are you VIP?
6. When is the last time you had access to your old account? (approximately)
7. Club name (if you were in one and remember the name):
*The "full username" is located at the bottom of your profile window. If your account was created, or username changed, since May 2021, you will have a hash (unique 4-digit code) at the end of your full username.
**Please make sure the new/current account is at least level 3 for the restore to work.
***If yes, please tap RESTORE PURCHASES after we restore your account.

Please note: The game is not meant to have the same account on multiple devices as it will cause save issues and progress discrepancies.